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C & G Fitness

Here at C & G Fitness we are excited to now be offering specialist coaching online which is aimed at individuals that want to make positive changes to their physique as well as their lifestyle. We work with individuals ranging from complete beginners to individuals with a few years training experience and pride ourselves on not only making huge changes to their physique but also educating each person along the journey.

Our content and methods we provide are based on personal events, research and science; which is why we are able to make a promise to you that if you work with us, the results you see will be mind-blowing!


Does this sound like you? Find out more by clicking the button below and booking a call.

Why Choose Us?

Everybody is unique, with their own strengths and limitations and our method is to build custom plans based on your needs, wants and goals. We aim to transform your beliefs of what is achievable!​

With extensive backgrounds in Strength and Conditioning, Nutrition, Professional Sport and Coaching we are able to provide the guidance and support needed for successful change. ​

Our plans are designed specifically after assessing and consulting you to make sure we are providing a service that meets your expectations. 





Our assessments are in depth and we want to find out everything about your current lifestyle, so we are able to build a picture of who you are, your goals and expectations. Our assessments will include body measurements, movement screens, current nutrition habits, PAR-Q document (basic information), previous injuries and any barriers that you may currently have.

Program Design


Once we have all the necessary data, we will then look into designing your specific training programs over the agreed period of time which is aimed at smashing your goals! We will regularly monitor progression with weekly check-ins and daily data from you to ensure that we continue to progress and see amazing changes to your physique. Once you have signed up with us you will receive a number of documents (mentioned on our training page) to assist you with reaching your goal.

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Regular Contact


Regular contact is a must and we are able to provide you with support around the clock to ensure you are 100% satisfied and offer any guidance you need. Your training plans will be hosted by a downloadable app with your own personal homepage where you are able to contact us any time you like with a guaranteed reply within 2 hours.






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